Geeks for Geeks — Questions and Solution (Practice/School) — 3

Reversing the vowels

Reversing the vowels | Practice | GeeksforGeeks

Given a string consisting of lowercase english alphabets, reverse only the vowels present in it and print the resulting…

class Solution
        string modify (string s)
            //code here.
            string v= "";
            for (int i =0 ;i<s.size();i++)
                if (toupper(s[i]) == 'A' ||toupper(s[i]) == 'E' || toupper(s[i]) == 'I'
                || toupper(s[i]) == 'O' || toupper(s[i]) == 'U')
                    v = v + s[i];
            for (int i =0,j=v.size()-1 ;i<s.size();i++)
                if (toupper(s[i]) == 'A' ||toupper(s[i]) == 'E' || toupper(s[i]) == 'I'
                || toupper(s[i]) == 'O' || toupper(s[i]) == 'U')
                    s[i] = v[j--];
            return s;


Upper case conversion

Upper case conversion | Practice | GeeksforGeeks

Given a string str, convert the first letter of each word in the string to uppercase. Example 1: Input: str = "i love…

string transform(string s)
    // code here

    string temp="";
    temp= toupper(s[0]);
    for(int i=1;i<s.size();i++)
        if(s[i-1] == ' ')
            temp = temp + (char)toupper(s[i]);
            temp = temp + s[i];
    return temp;

Java Arrays | Set 1

Java Arrays | Set 1 | Practice | GeeksforGeeks

For a given array of price of items,you have to calculate the average of all prices upto 2 decimal places. Note: Sum is…

class Compute
    String average(int A[], int N)
        float sum =0, avg;
        for(int i=0;i<N;i++)
            sum += A[i];
        avg = sum /N;
        String temp =String.format("%.2f",avg);
        return temp;

Print the left element

Print the left element | Practice | GeeksforGeeks

Given a array of length N, at each step it is reduced by 1 element. In the first step the maximum element would be…

class Solution{
    int leftElement(int a[], int n) {
        // Your code goes here   
        sort(a, a+n);
        int midindex ;
        // even number of elements -> 
        if (n%2 ==0 )
            midindex = n /2 -1 ;
            midindex = n/2 ;
        return a[midindex];

Sum Of Digits

Sum Of Digits | Practice | GeeksforGeeks

Given a number, N. Find the sum of all the digits of N Example 1: Input: N = 12 Output: 3 Explanation: Sum of 12's…

class Solution{
    int sumOfDigits(int N){
        //code here
        int sum =0 ;
        while(N > 0 )
            sum += (N%10);
            N = N / 10;
        return sum;



nPr | Practice | GeeksforGeeks

Write a program to calculate nPr. nPr represents n permutation r and value of nPr is (n!) / (n-r)!. Example 1: Input: n…

class Solution{
    long long nPr(int n, int r){
        // code here
        long long f1 =1 , f2=1;
        for(int i=1;i<=n;i++)
            f1 *= i;
        for(int i=1;i<=(n-r);i++)
            f2 *= i;
        return f1/f2;

Remove vowels from string

Remove vowels from string | Practice | GeeksforGeeks

Given a string, remove the vowels from the string. Example 1: Input: S = "welcome to geeksforgeeks" Output: wlcm t…

class Solution{

 string removeVowels(string s) 
     string ans="";
        for(int i =0;i<s.length();i++){
       for(int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++){
        if(s[i]!='a'&& s[i]!='e' && s[i]!='i' && s[i]!='o' && s[i]!='u'){
    return ans;

Average in a stream

Average in a stream | Practice | GeeksforGeeks

Given a stream of incoming numbers, find average or mean of the stream at every point.

class Solution{
 vector<float> streamAvg(int arr[], int n) {
     // code here
     vector<float> temp;
     float sum = 0, avg;
     for(int i=1;i<=n;i++)
         sum = sum + arr[i-1];
         avg = sum / i;
     return temp;

The dice problem

The dice problem | Practice | GeeksforGeeks

You are given a cubic dice with 6 faces. All the individual faces have a number printed on them. The numbers are in the…

class Solution
    int oppositeFaceOfDice(int N)
        // Write Your Code here
        map<int,int> m1= {{1,6}, {2,5}, {3,4}, {4,3}, {5,2}, {6,1} };
        return m1[N];

Check String

Check String | Practice | GeeksforGeeks

Given a string, check if all its characters are the same or not. Example 1: Input: s = "geeks" Output: False…

class Solution
        bool check (string s)
         for(int i=0;i<s.length()-1;i++)
             if (s[i] != s[i+1])
                 return false;
         return true;

Sum Palindrome

Sum Palindrome | Practice | GeeksforGeeks

Given a number, reverse it and add it to itself unless it becomes a palindrome or number of iterations becomes more…

class Solution {
    long long isSumPalindrome(long long n){
        // code here
        int i=0;
            long long  rev = 0,n2= n;
            while(n > 0 )
                rev = rev * 10 + (n%10);
                n = n /10 ;
            if (n2 == rev)
                return rev;
            n = rev + n2;

        return -1;  

Java Strings | Set 1

Java Strings | Set 1 | Practice | GeeksforGeeks

Given two strings S1 and S2 as input. Your task is to concatenate two strings and then reverse the string. Finally…

class Solution {
    static String conRevstr(String S1, String S2) {
        String A=S1+""+S2;

        StringBuffer sb=new StringBuffer(A);
        String S=sb.toString();
        return S;